Saturday, April 21, 2012

Refocus the Energy

I have been going through something for the last few months that has really been a huge weight to me. Being that I am an "emotional eater" I usually turn to my peanut M&M's my Reese's peanut butter cups (which haven't tasted good lately :b) my CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (I AM the original cookie monster LOL) Mc Donald's french fries with sweet n sour sauce, etc. I have too many comfort foods for comfort LOL. Sweet and Salty or Sweet and Spicy are my things. Anywho, as I was saying...I have been going through somethings that have been weighing heavily on my and causing me to feel off (my word for depressed or I will say "tired" when I appear to be fully energized) and these things have had me feeling really trapped because I am a stay at home mom and a student. Lately I haven't been wanting to pray because I feel like my Daddy just might tell me to hang in there and go through this because there might be something better on the other side and to be honest I would really dread that because I have been hanging in here like a pro and I have not even seen a inkling that there is another side. However today I sat and thought to myself how about I actually do pray and not pray the Lord please save my __________ change _____heart or MY heart and help me to hold on to see your glory, help me to have faith because I believe but Lord HELP MY UNBELIEF! Just for once I feel as though I should pray a prayer of hope in MY own future as a woman who can and may be living on her own soon. So I have decided that that is what I will do. Life is full of ups and downs but I do not always believe that I must hold on to the short end of the stick. I just had a flash back LITERALLY... Here goes. When I was a child I climbed up a tree and I was playing in that tree as I looked down from the height that I was at the ground looked so far away and I wondered why in the world did I do this but now that I'm here I might as well chill because someone is going to have to rescue me (my mom was in the house) So the time came when she came outside, I think we were going to rent a movie from the video store and she called TAB get down it's time to go and I replied Mommy I CANT and she from her perspective could see that it was not quite the challenge that I was making it out to be so I climbed because of course my stubborn (LOLOLOL) MOTHER wouldn't come get me out of the tree so I climbed until I was hanging from the last branch and at this time I was hanging and fighting for my life and I was yelling HELP ME and she said Tab JUST LET GO! I was like NO WAY I AM UP TOO HIGH!!! (Now y'all know I didn't yell at my Momma! but I was thinkin it) I was steady crying for help and something in her voice briefly assured me in my battle with possible death or injury that it was ok to let go, so I with all of my courage let go.....and "POP" just that fast I was on the ground and I landed on my feet. Hmmmm.... That wasn't too bad at all. For some reason looking down at what could possibly be terrified me more than looking up at the branch closing my eyes and letting go had delivered me. So the moral of this story is that sometimes no matter how bad you think things will be, no matter how far you think you will fall, sometimes you have to just let go.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TIme to Lose Weight

I decided to join Weight Watchers on April 9th and I thought that I could just wing it and lose like I did last time. I got a rude awakening this week when I got on the scale and the 2lbs that I originally lost were gone and I only registered a weightloss of .4. Now for a person that works as hard as I do with my workouts that was a major disappointment but I mean why when I ate what I wanted to all weekend and I did not workout. Somehow I was still disapointed lol. Ok so this week I am back on my grind. I have been working hard, tracking all of my food and gaining momentum to conquer this weekend. They say thta the 1st 21 days are the hardest and I definitely believe that because I still have a desire to eat everything in site. Lately I have been sticking to my ezekiel muffins and egg whites in the morning and that has been really filling. I had Chocolate Shakeology with a scoop of Muscle Milk for lunch and that was good and very fulfilling. I would like to go grab some sweet potatoes because those are amazing and filling and also some spicy chicken rolls they are so AMAZING! Well I just wanted to actually talk about my fitness journey. I am 206lbs and I am determined to get under 200 by the end of the month. I want to go into May at 199 or less. That is my goal and that is what I will achieve. I will be blogging more about this soon.

Monday, April 16, 2012

People Change

As I am going to school and studying to become a Personal Trainer I am evolving into a different type of fitness person where losing weight is not my only goal and being cute is not it. I am more determined now to eat healthy, and redefine my body. The things that use to be hot to me are too faddish now and I am not finding fullfillment in these workouts. However I am seeing alot more benefit from doing the time tested "traditional" workouts that get results and I am finding the right people who have real results. For this I am grateful. As I watch my body transform the scale is moving little but I am pleased with an inch gone from here and an more lifted and defined bottom just a small change in my waist and a more defined muscles in my arms. Why? Because I am putting in the work to see these changes. It is more purposeful, more directed and more personalized work that will get you the results that you want. Today I looked at myself and I said I want this, this and this. This is what I want to work on. The nice part is that now I am getting to know how :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Unexpected Turn

So for the last 7 years I have been living my life as the perfect Christian with some "flesh" moments. LOL! Actually I have been suppressing myself into a box of rules and living quite miserably. Well 2012 has arrived and I tried to start it the way that I always do and that is to make another vow of perfection unto the Lord. Now because He is so amazing He allowed my life to fall apart in January, then I tried to put it back together with Lent and it fell apart again! I have been calling myself having faith in the Lord and trusting Him for somethings that I should've been making sound decisions on and no matter how hard I prayed this situation has NOT changed. My life fell apart in the right way it fell apart in a way that I would look and rediscover ME. If that isn't a beautiful surprise well then I don't know what is. This year I have discovered that I am a beautiful woman and I should embrace it rather than run from it (now I am still working on it so bear with me) I have also discovered that I don't owe anyone anything what people expect from me really doesn't matter and when you are not doing what everyone else is doing you will find yourself alone for a season why those who came to drain disappear but as you discover yourself and stand for yourself those who truly love you will appear (So far I am not flocked with new friends but I am grateful for the ones I do have :) Also I Tabetha must march to the beat of my own drum like I did so well as a child and it frustrated everyone but my goodness the brilliance that came forth from my resistance won me awards and always had people watching me for the next best thing and might I also say I was able to speak and so much more eloquently and I swear that I lead more people to Christ when I was a child then I have in the last few years. YOU CAN NOT LIVE INSIDE OF A BOX. There is a person that was meant to live here on earth, we were not born to die or live like we are apart of a perfect little cult. (I had to say it like this because some people act like they are in a cult and like there way is the only right way and if you disagree you should be burned at the stake) YUCK! That is definitely anti-love! We were all created with unique gifting, and we all were blessed to live here on earth and earth is not hell and everything outside the doors of the church is not evil. I said all this to say do not change yourself, let Him mold you into what you were meant to be. Don't get married without knowing that God has ordained your marriage, don't stop dressing cute, don't stop listening to your favorite music until your know that you know that you know that it is time. God will really let you know and NO ONE needs to tell you what God wants you to know He is your Father and He will tell you Himself. I have regret because I spent too much time looking for direction from imperfect people whose heart was corrupted through life's experiences who were bitter perfectionists who didn't know how to love because they were hurt so much and I made decisions that I thought were right based on their guidance and today all of those things are being undone. I am grateful but I would've saved myself a trip around the mountain (20 times!) Okay? So let Him lead you, our Daddy is so gentle, so sweet and His timing is perfect. Wait on Him He genuinely loves you and wants the best for you. Never move unless He says move and that goes for doing what others want you to do, not a clause for you to stick with something that is destroying you. Use your brain you are smart and you are more likely to be right or deal with your own wrong decision far more efficiently, more gracefully and faster than someone elses ill direction because you are supposed to make mistakes and learn from them. Don't get stuck wondering if you should or should not make a move because someone told you what your own Father would've said to you Himself(if He wanted to) if you waited. All people who proclaim themselves to be a prophet are not prophets. You have the spirit of God in you who could better speak into you then Him? The people on the outside should only be confirming what God has already spoken to you. You should know that they are right because the words were already in your heart.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Stripped Yet Recovering

To be a woman who was raped, sexually abused, verbally manipulated and beaten into being a nobody and to exist in a world that needs you to recover and blossom and be the woman that I was created to be is absolutely difficult. I had a dream a few years ago that I was running from demons and those demons caught me and beat me until I appeared to be dead. Even I thought I was dead and after they "killed" me they left me in the street but somehow I had a breath. A small faint breath and I began to recover and I ran into the church to tell them what an amazing miracle had just occured and they hated me. They did not want to hear one word that I said and they made me feel like I was just a "sinner". Today when I think back at that dream it reminds me of where I am now in my life. The typical Christian answer will not fit my situation. I thank God that He is my first and my last breath when I need Him because today He spoke to me and told me through an unlikely vessel you are somebody. Now if this was random I would've put it on my shelf of "words from the Lord" LOL but everything that is happening in my life right now confirmed that what she was saying from miles away and very little recent contact was true, down the fact that I ran across a scripture card that I wore in my ID case while I was in Iraq and that scripture card says "The Lord God says, For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11. That scripture has been my life line through so many of the terrible trials that I endured alone. My God has never, ever, ever, let me down and I am grateful for His love. His love is the very air that I breathe. (Exhale) So right now as life is taking its turns to bring me to a beautiful situation I release all judgement, all ridicule, all "advice" that does not line up with what the Holy Spirit is speaking ever so gently to me. There will be some who will hate to hear me speak and the sad part is the mesage that God has for me to deliver is one of hope, and love, and uplifting because that is what He has been to me.

Monday, March 26, 2012


It is absolutely the most difficult thing to see others hurting around me. People do not understand that I can feel their pain. I feel drawn to people who are hurting. My heart's desire is to see them built up strong, happy, smiling and I literally feel my heart sink without them even saying a word. I have always been able to discern the atmosphere. It is an incredibly difficult thing. Now I have to learn to feel and not show that I feel, or better put feel and not respond. Which is a huge step because I used to feel and act as though it was me because that is how real someone else's spirit feels to me. I have to get to the point where I allow people to express themselves and not feel obligated to help them. I am so used to trying to carry people that I end up hurting myself. I have done this over and over again. Another thing that I hope will come soon is an understanding of what I feel and why. I know why this is applicable in the church but I don't understand why I can feel people everywhere at any given time. How does this help me and what should I do with it? This is truly a rhetorical question. I just wish that everything would turn off during my time of transition and change.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Deb, I would like to apologize for not finishing Lent. Some awful things happened last weekend and I used my Facebook page to reach out to my friends because I was lonely. I am still participating in Lent but I am not isoloating myself. I am reading the daily devotions and just focusing on staying positive. So I am here with you Lady!!!