Saturday, April 21, 2012

Refocus the Energy

I have been going through something for the last few months that has really been a huge weight to me. Being that I am an "emotional eater" I usually turn to my peanut M&M's my Reese's peanut butter cups (which haven't tasted good lately :b) my CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES (I AM the original cookie monster LOL) Mc Donald's french fries with sweet n sour sauce, etc. I have too many comfort foods for comfort LOL. Sweet and Salty or Sweet and Spicy are my things. Anywho, as I was saying...I have been going through somethings that have been weighing heavily on my and causing me to feel off (my word for depressed or I will say "tired" when I appear to be fully energized) and these things have had me feeling really trapped because I am a stay at home mom and a student. Lately I haven't been wanting to pray because I feel like my Daddy just might tell me to hang in there and go through this because there might be something better on the other side and to be honest I would really dread that because I have been hanging in here like a pro and I have not even seen a inkling that there is another side. However today I sat and thought to myself how about I actually do pray and not pray the Lord please save my __________ change _____heart or MY heart and help me to hold on to see your glory, help me to have faith because I believe but Lord HELP MY UNBELIEF! Just for once I feel as though I should pray a prayer of hope in MY own future as a woman who can and may be living on her own soon. So I have decided that that is what I will do. Life is full of ups and downs but I do not always believe that I must hold on to the short end of the stick. I just had a flash back LITERALLY... Here goes. When I was a child I climbed up a tree and I was playing in that tree as I looked down from the height that I was at the ground looked so far away and I wondered why in the world did I do this but now that I'm here I might as well chill because someone is going to have to rescue me (my mom was in the house) So the time came when she came outside, I think we were going to rent a movie from the video store and she called TAB get down it's time to go and I replied Mommy I CANT and she from her perspective could see that it was not quite the challenge that I was making it out to be so I climbed because of course my stubborn (LOLOLOL) MOTHER wouldn't come get me out of the tree so I climbed until I was hanging from the last branch and at this time I was hanging and fighting for my life and I was yelling HELP ME and she said Tab JUST LET GO! I was like NO WAY I AM UP TOO HIGH!!! (Now y'all know I didn't yell at my Momma! but I was thinkin it) I was steady crying for help and something in her voice briefly assured me in my battle with possible death or injury that it was ok to let go, so I with all of my courage let go.....and "POP" just that fast I was on the ground and I landed on my feet. Hmmmm.... That wasn't too bad at all. For some reason looking down at what could possibly be terrified me more than looking up at the branch closing my eyes and letting go had delivered me. So the moral of this story is that sometimes no matter how bad you think things will be, no matter how far you think you will fall, sometimes you have to just let go.

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