Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TIme to Lose Weight

I decided to join Weight Watchers on April 9th and I thought that I could just wing it and lose like I did last time. I got a rude awakening this week when I got on the scale and the 2lbs that I originally lost were gone and I only registered a weightloss of .4. Now for a person that works as hard as I do with my workouts that was a major disappointment but I mean why when I ate what I wanted to all weekend and I did not workout. Somehow I was still disapointed lol. Ok so this week I am back on my grind. I have been working hard, tracking all of my food and gaining momentum to conquer this weekend. They say thta the 1st 21 days are the hardest and I definitely believe that because I still have a desire to eat everything in site. Lately I have been sticking to my ezekiel muffins and egg whites in the morning and that has been really filling. I had Chocolate Shakeology with a scoop of Muscle Milk for lunch and that was good and very fulfilling. I would like to go grab some sweet potatoes because those are amazing and filling and also some spicy chicken rolls they are so AMAZING! Well I just wanted to actually talk about my fitness journey. I am 206lbs and I am determined to get under 200 by the end of the month. I want to go into May at 199 or less. That is my goal and that is what I will achieve. I will be blogging more about this soon.

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