Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Deb, I would like to apologize for not finishing Lent. Some awful things happened last weekend and I used my Facebook page to reach out to my friends because I was lonely. I am still participating in Lent but I am not isoloating myself. I am reading the daily devotions and just focusing on staying positive. So I am here with you Lady!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Third Day of School

I am currently going to school to become a Personal Fitness Trainer. Though I am not skinny because of my eating habits I am strong and I have a great desire to be fit. Today is my 3rd day of school and I am feeling amazing. I went to the Farmer's Market to pick up some fresh in season locally grown produce and as I was reflecting on my diet I came to the conclusion that too many rules are just too many rules. I believe that the basic and most simple rule to follow is calories in vs calories out produces results. (Whether pleasant of unpleasant it true) I thought about doing the Atkins Diet again and following all of the rules but at the end of the day, I can not live without my favorite foods. I thought about doing Weight Watchers because it is a disciplined system that works and I believe that I would enjoy it but would I fail if I didnt want to pay for it for the rest of my life??? I dont think so, so its not completely out of my mind. And I recently started to read about Clean Eating. Now the principles are good. So out of the 5-10 rules they have I decided to adopt a couple to implement in my life. 1 is buy local and buy in season food. 2. Is to (attempt) to eat foods with 5 or less ingredients 3. Is to avoid foods that have no nutritional values. Those are the ones that I have chosen to adopt. AND they are translated in a way that I am willing to follow. The book is good but to be honest oatmeal with nothing in it but bee pollen and cinnamon is DISGUSTING (to me) So that wouldve never lasted long. However there is something to glean from all of the diets that are out there and that is that moderation is key. So as you know I have not ruled out Weight Watchers because it is based on a balanced system, many people succesfulyl implement the plan into their lives and you also have a little overage in order to enjoy your favorites weekly. There is an monetary investment to be made but I believe that you must invest in everything that you truly wish to partake in. Right now I am convincing myself that this would be good for me. So I will let you know if I have become a subscriber next week. I'm still on my quest to live my life to it's fullest. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Faith Renewed

There exists among the kingdom of God on Earth, those who worship and truly love God AND people. There are those who are polite and loving, kind, genuine and sincere and they are everywhere. Today I had the priviledge to go to a Woman's Bible Study and I immediately felt welcome. I felt like even though I did not know 1 name or 1 person, I have never saw these people before that somehow we all had this 1 common bond and it was true. We all are daughter's of God. I was not amongst those who looked like me on the outside but they welcomed me and greeted me and remembered my name quickly. What an amazing feeling. As I listened to the Ladies speak I took no posture of someone who has read and knows her Bible but instead I sat as a child with wide eyes, open ears and an open heart. It was so refreshing not to have to be guarded or to wonder when someone would try to slip in their own sugar coated theology to glorify themselves. I was an amazing thing to look around the room at all of these woman who have been dilligently seeking God and allowing Him to transform them into His likeness. Alot of times that is the minority of a Christian congregation. Today I felt like it was the majority. I keep saying the word felt because I had my spiritual senses in effect :) You have to try the spirit by the spirit and that is more of a feeling for me than a mental checklist. I felt love, I felt purity, I felt the sisterhood. I was at peace and welcome even though I was under dressed in the natural, I had my hair back in a low ponytail LOL I felt at home and unjudged. This is why my faith was renewed. I needed to see that others love God and love people like I do. I needed to see that I was not the only one that I would know. I knew there were other "lovers" out there but in this great of numbers was totally amazing. I give God the glory for this day. I am so grateful. I feed on the pure, untampered, untwisted Word of God today amongst the glorious daughters of the kingdom. :) What a beautiful Tuesday morning. Thank you Jesus.

Tomorrow is the first day of Lent. I have never celebrated it before but I believe that I found out today so that I can be apart of this time of reflection on what Jesus has done for me.
May God bless you.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Tomorrow I begin my journey to health and wellness. I read and interesting article called Diets Dont Work. Once I read that it made me question my method of losing weight. Is it just a diet or am I willing to change? I have been contemplating new ways to eat for a while and last year I was successful at losing 60lbs however it all crept its way back on when I went back to trying to eat normal. I call myself trying to not to change everyone around me and just deciding to settle instead of doing the hard work of pulling in the opposite direction of average, normal, tradition and unhealthy yet accepted. I have been forced to reevaluate my original motivation. Is it good enough just to want to look good? I have decided that that is not good enough for me because once I get to a weight that I am happy with I tend to just hover there and start fighting an uphill battle with trying to maintain it. My HUGE goal last year was to look good for my husband when he stepped off that plane from Afghanistan and BABY it was a wrap I DID IT! I looked stellar and I felt amazing but once I checked that off, I neglected to create a goal beyond that so I drifted back up stream. Though I look a little better because I have more muscle now I am not eating well and I feel pretty crappy to be honest. So tomorrow my journey begins not to look good because that is a fringe benefit but to live a healthy life. I want to be healthy, I want to weight a healthy weight and have a healthy BMI and maintain that for the rest of my life. My goal is July 25th 2012 that will be my son's second birthday. So OPERATION HEALTHY ME begins NOW!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

This is My Journey

I have decided to do the Atkins diet until I lose all of the weight that I gained, I plan to then start eating Clean when I reach my goal to add variety back to my life. I have done what I thought was the Atkins diet a few times and each time I lost weight. My body responds well to this way of weight loss. So I purchased the New Atkins Diet book and I will be embarking on my journey this week. I am very proud of my decision and I cannot wait to see my muscles LOL and wear my cute clothes again. This will be the best year of my life yet. :-)